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In 1991 he married Charlyn Rumer in the ILCC sanctuary. Their immediate family includes a daughter Carrie who resides in Lima, and a son Christopher and his wife, Hannah, who reside in Troy. Their family also includes their dog Hope whom they believe to be the world’s best dog.


Pastor Jim feels he has the best of both worlds, leading traditional worship at ILCC and contemporary worship at the Lighthouse at Indian Lake! He feels that both services are wonderful in their ways and that the Holy Spirit is present and active in both endeavors.

He feels strongly that “There is nothing better than being engaged in the active Spirit-filled worship and ministry and there is no better place to serve and worship than beautiful Indian Lake, Ohio”.


Jim Ellington - Senior Pastor

Pastor Jim Ellington considers himself fortunate to have grown up in the Indian Lake area and takes pride in being a life-long “Lake Rat.” He had the unique opportunity to attend elementary school at both Lakeview and Huntsville Elementary schools and then moved on to middle school in Lewistown and graduated from ILHS in 1986.


After several years working in radio as an on-air personality in Bellefontaine, Lima, and Kenton, he went to work for Honda in 1989, where he eventually settled into a career in Human Resources with the company. While working for Honda, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management through Bluffton College. He was first active at churches in various roles and eventually felt like he was being called to the ministry. He originally served on the staff of the Indian Lake Community Church as an unpaid volunteer with the ministry team. Then after nearly 20 years with Honda, he left his position as an Assistant Manager in Human Resources and joined the ministry team of ILCC full-time in the fall of 2009. He has served in the role of Pastor with primary responsibility for Pastoral Care and sermons. The years since have been the most meaningful and rewarding years of his career. Jim is passionate about proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a world in need and ministering to this community to the best of his abilities.





Karen Blackburn - Associate Pastor 

Bob and Karen Blackburn joined Indian Lake Community Church in 1980, shortly after
they were married. They enjoyed raising their five children (now grown) in the Indian
Lake area and attending this church.  They have twelve grandchildren (28, 24, 22,
14,13, 10,10, 10, 8, 6, 6, 1) and one great-granddaughter. On many weekends, the
grandchildren hang with Grandpa Bob and MiMi. Bob and Karen love having their family
around. They keep busy following the grandchildren in their baseball, softball, soccer,
football, volleyball, and basketball games and band and music programs.
Bob and Karen have been very involved in all areas of the church. In 1995, Karen
became the Associate Pastor of the church, and she continues to be part of the ministry
team. She enjoys listening to the stories and learning about the history of the people
while making home and nursing home visits. 

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She teaches the Beacon children during the sermon each week. It is usually a wild time, but as she says, “it is always a joy towatch young children learn the stories of the Bible and then relate it to their lives.” In the 40-plus years as members, Bob and Karen have watched the church experience many ups and downs, but no matter what happens, the church is like a family. “Oneof the reasons I love pastoral ministry is being able to be there for people who are having difficulties in their lives. Whether it is grief, loss of a job, family problems, financial difficulties, or health issues, I like to be able to give support, hope for the future, and share the love of God. And, of course, it is a blessing to be a part of all their joys and successes”.


Dave Hafenbrack - Operations Pastor

Dave and Teresa Hafenbrack have been residents of the lake for over 24 years. They have three grown children, four granddaughters, and three grandsons! Josh is a lawyer in Washington, D.C. Andy and his wife Lauren are graduates of Indiana University and reside in Fishers, Indiana, along with their sons Leo and Ari. Brittany and her husband, Derek, live in Washington Court House, Ohio, with the family’s three granddaughters – Gracie, Bella, and Ava. Jesse and his wife Cassidy live in Washington Court House, along with their daughter Logan and son Matthew. 


Dave and Teresa have served ILCC in many capacities, from the President of the Board to the Chair of the Elders to forming and leading the Quilter's Sewsociety. After Dave sold his business in 2013, he joined the ILCC pastoral team as operations Pastor, handling business and operations duties. Both Teresa and Dave love the lake region and were drawn to ILCC by the warmth and feeling of the ILCC Christian Family. They share many things but most importantly, their love of God and the blessing He brings to their lives.


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Tara Cascioli - Christian Education and Technology Director and Youth Leader 

Tara Cascioli is a lifelong resident of Indian Lake. She is a 2007 graduate of Indian lake high school that went on to pursue a degree in Public Relations and Leadership Studies at Otterbein University in Westerville. Upon graduating, Tara moved back to Indian Lake to be near family. She was married to her now-husband, Larry, in early 2013, and later that year, they were blessed with their first son. They now have three beautiful sons, Reed, Bo, and Jack, that keep them very active and always on their toes.


​Tara always knew she was supposed to be helping people but never knew the magnitude in which that was possible. She spent many years in the healthcare field as well as insurance, always helping but not fulfilled.


Tara and Larry became members of The Lighthouse in 2016, and they were welcomed with open arms. Tara began volunteering with the children's programs as well as the worship team and they have both been very active within the church ever since.

In early 2019, Pastor Jim brought an opportunity to Tara to work within the church in the children's department as well as other areas that would be introduced as needed.


Tara went on to head the IT Department, assist in Children's Ministry, lead the worship team and help improve the overall experience at The Lighthouse.


In 2020, Tara was offered the position as Youth Leader and prayerfully accepted the role. The youth department is growing and thriving with students grades 5-12 from all walks of life. The transition was unexpected but such a blessing. The future looks bright and exciting!



Chaplain Major General John B. Ellington, Jr. (Ret) USAF – Pastor Emeritus 

John and Ruby (White) Ellington have been married for over fifty years. For more than four decades the Indian Lake Community Church (ILCC) has been at the center of their faith and family. They raised their three children, John III, Jim, and Deb, at the lake. The Ellington family has developed a deep love for both the church and the Lake. John, Jim, and Deb were all married at ILCC and for five generations the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were baptized at ILCC. John Sr. and Mary (Ison) Ellington celebrated their sixtieth anniversary with a renewal of their vows at ILCC. Their lives and faith were celebrated at ILCC when they went to be with the Lord when the family purchased a stained glass window in their memory when the chapel was added.  


In the early seventies, when John became the pastor of ILCC, it was a very small church located on a small lot with only on-street parking. There were about sixty active members and several were families of the founders of the church. As the church grew, there were several building projects and additional land purchased for expansion and parking. John Sr. came on staff as a minister of visitation and served several years until his death.

John’s vision to build an outstanding ministry team is a reality today with his son Jim Ellington as Sr. Pastor; Karen Blackburn, Associate Pastor; Dave Hafenbrack, Administrative Pastor; Tara Cascioli Christian Education and Technology Director; and Natalie Blackburn Youth Pastor.


John’s vision is to provide meaningful worship expressed in Liturgical Worship as well as meaningful Contemporary Worship. The styles and expression of worship may differ, but both worships are centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John believes the church is the Body of Christ and ILCC must maintain a strong sense of family that deeply cares for one another. John frequently says that “Indian Lake needs Jesus and Indian Lake is our mission field”.


John has not only been a visionary leader at ILCC but also as a Chaplain in the National Guard and the United States Air Force. He joined the Guard in 1979 as a First Lt. while also serving as pastor at ILCC. During the first Gulf War in 1992, he was called to active duty and was in Washington, D.C. until 2005 when he returned to ILCC. While on active duty he and Ruby maintained their home at Indian Lake, and they returned as often as possible. He retired as a Major General with 32 years of service in 2011. He believes the best days for ILCC are ahead of us “Enriching Lives Through the Love of Christ”. 


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