Who We Are
Youth Student Ministries
Ignite Student Ministries is the youth group of traditional and contemporary services at Indian Lake Community Church and The Lighthouse. Our vision is that the fiery passion of God will ignite our hearts to help us love Jesus and all people. The ages of Ignite consist of 11-18 year-olds. Ignite meets every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month during The Lighthouse at ILCC service. During worship, the students go to the Lookout Youth Center, have a devotional led by Tara Cascioli, Youth Director, and do other fun youth activities.

Ignite Sunday Night - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
At Ignite Sunday Night, the youth gather for food, fun, worship, fellowship, and to engage in God’s story. We create an atmosphere so they can come as they are and be themselves.
You don't have to have been a Bible expert. You don't have to have the answers. You don't even have to be sure what you believe. You are welcome at Ignite Sunday Night!
After School Program - 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
During the school year, we offer an After School Program on Mondays and Thursdays to provide the youth with a safe place to hang out after school. We help with homework, offer snacks, and build Jesus-centered relationships with them.
Summer Hang Out - 11:30 am - 3:00 pm
In the summer, we have a Summer Hang Out on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We play games, go on outings, eat lunch, hang out, and do community service projects.
5TH Quarter / 8th- 12th grades only
5th Quarter is held six times a year in the Middle School gymnasium. We provide pizza or an ice cream sundae bar with all the toppings you could imagine, play a game for large groups, listen to really loud music, and have some good, safe fun.